Cut the Crap

26 Feb

Sometimes I feel I am surrounded by crap.


Of course I don’t mean literally, but my room does get a little cluttered now and then. I tend to throw clothes around, leave out old papers, empty cups, and the list goes on. I consider myself a very clean person, but sometimes my room just does not reflect that. Sometimes I even hold onto unnecessary junk I don’t need.  Now don’t get me wrong this is not an episode of Hoarders, but just a case of a mildly stressful life that led to an unclean room.

The bottom line here is that an unclean room can definitely add to your stress level, and just leave you with a feeling of irritation. You feel overwhelmed in the midst of disorder and clutter. So the solution is to just keep a clean room, and be consistent about it.

So just picking up after yourself, putting things back in its place, throwing away trash, and keeping a tidy desk can restore a sense of order, and that YOU are in control of your life (and not your stuff).  Getting rid of unnecessary junk can also give you a sense of relief  & freedom, allowing more space to work with and productivity to take place.

It’s a simple, healthy habit that can make a big difference.


Lee Price is an awesome photographer. Some of his other works are little risque, but definitely an interesting art. Check it out:

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